Josh Cellars Cabernet Lodi Reserve Camo

Experience the rich, full-bodied flavor of Josh Cellars Cabernet Lodi Reserve Camo, a premium red wine in a 750 ml bottle. This Lodi Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon is a standout in the red wine category, offering a robust palate with hints of dark fruit and oak. Perfect for wine enthusiasts seeking a sophisticated, high-quality wine for special occasions or everyday indulgence. Enjoy the smooth, velvety finish of this exceptional Cabernet from Josh Cellars, a trusted name in winemaking.

Josh Cellars Cabernet Lodi Reserve Camo is a premium wine with rich, bold flavors. Its unique camo packaging makes it a standout gift. Perfect for wine enthusiasts.


SKU 104646 Category

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SKU: 104646


Size: 750 ml bottle


Experience the rich, full-bodied flavor of Josh Cellars Cabernet Lodi Reserve Camo, a premium red wine in a 750 ml bottle. This Lodi Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon is a standout in the red wine category, offering a robust palate with hints of dark fruit and oak. Perfect for wine enthusiasts seeking a sophisticated, high-quality wine for special occasions or everyday indulgence. Enjoy the smooth, velvety finish of this exceptional Cabernet from Josh Cellars, a trusted name in winemaking.

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