Hotel California Silver

Experience the exquisite taste of Hotel California Silver, a premium 750 ml bottle of tequila that promises a unique blend of flavors. This top-tier tequila, crafted with precision, offers a smooth, rich taste that tequila connoisseurs will appreciate. Perfect for sipping or mixing in cocktails, Hotel California Silver is a versatile addition to any liquor collection. Explore the world of premium tequilas with Hotel California Silver, and elevate your drinking experience.

Experience luxury at Hotel California Silver. Enjoy top-notch amenities, exquisite dining, and unparalleled service. Unique selling point: prime location with breathtaking views. Your perfect getaway!


SKU 105378 Category

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SKU: 105378


Size: 750 ml bottle


Experience the exquisite taste of Hotel California Silver, a premium 750 ml bottle of tequila that promises a unique blend of flavors. This top-tier tequila, crafted with precision, offers a smooth, rich taste that tequila connoisseurs will appreciate. Perfect for sipping or mixing in cocktails, Hotel California Silver is a versatile addition to any liquor collection. Explore the world of premium tequilas with Hotel California Silver, and elevate your drinking experience.

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